I Think That, Right Now, I Am Travelling In Many Different Directions In My Mind, On Where I Wanted To Be. So Much Is Wantin' To Go Back, But I Still Gotta Move Forward. But I Think It's Just That I'm My Worst Critic At All Times, You Know? And When I Make Somethin', It May Be Five Or Ten Cuts Later Before I Actually Call It What It Is. I've Always Been That Kind Of Artist. I'm Gonna Put Myself Through The Sweat For It, Because I Think, As An Artist, That's What Made Me Iller, Is The Fact That I Didn't Wanna Just Put Out Anything And Everything. It's Just A Process, You Know What I Mean?
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I Think That, Right Now, I Am
I Think That, Right Now, I Am Travelling In Many Different Directions In My Mind, On Where I Wanted To Be. So Much Is Wantin' To Go Back, But I Still Gotta Move Forward. But I Think It's Just That I'm My Worst Critic At All Times, You Know? And When I Make Somethin', It May Be Five Or Ten Cuts Later Before I Actually Call It What It Is. I've Always Been That Kind Of Artist. I'm Gonna Put Myself Through The Sweat For It, Because I Think, As An Artist, That's What Made Me Iller, Is The Fact That I Didn't Wanna Just Put Out Anything And Everything. It's Just A Process, You Know What I Mean?
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