There's This Whole Post-modern, Nuevo Beatnik, Retro-bohemian Thing Going On, You Know What I Mean? You Walk Into Some Coffee Shops, And It Feels Like You're An Ex-patriot In Paris In The 20s. You're Like, 'hey, Isn't That A Young Ernest Hemingway Over There? Yeah, I Think It Is! Hey, Let's Go Have A Look And See What He's Writing... It's A Gap Application.'
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There's This Whole Post-modern, Nuevo Beatnik, Retro-bohemian
There's This Whole Post-modern, Nuevo Beatnik, Retro-bohemian Thing Going On, You Know What I Mean? You Walk Into Some Coffee Shops, And It Feels Like You're An Ex-patriot In Paris In The 20s. You're Like, 'hey, Isn't That A Young Ernest Hemingway Over There? Yeah, I Think It Is! Hey, Let's Go Have A Look And See What He's Writing... It's A Gap Application.'
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