I Think Hemp Is One Of The Greatest Plants That God Put In The Ground, And I Don't Think Anybody Has The Right To Eradicate It. Just Because Somebody Wants To Get High With A Joint, That's No Reason To Throw Him In Jail And Take His Damn Belongings. He's Just Trying To Get Well. The Mother - 's Sick. That's Why People Drink Beer When They Come Home From Work. They're Stressed Out. That's All Grass Does. It's A Big Stress Reliever.
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I Think Hemp Is One Of The
I Think Hemp Is One Of The Greatest Plants That God Put In The Ground, And I Don't Think Anybody Has The Right To Eradicate It. Just Because Somebody Wants To Get High With A Joint, That's No Reason To Throw Him In Jail And Take His Damn Belongings. He's Just Trying To Get Well. The Mother - 's Sick. That's Why People Drink Beer When They Come Home From Work. They're Stressed Out. That's All Grass Does. It's A Big Stress Reliever.
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