I Really Think People Are Greatly Stimulated And Enriched By Experiencing In Film Just As We Can From Novels And Other Art, Experiencing Things That Resonate With What Our Lives Are About. I Think People Really Want To Know... Want To Share, Want To Have The Stimulus To Think And Care About The Way They Live Their Lives, The Way They Relate To Other People, Their Aspirations, Their Hopes, Et Cetera.
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I Really Think People Are Greatly Stimulated
I Really Think People Are Greatly Stimulated And Enriched By Experiencing In Film Just As We Can From Novels And Other Art, Experiencing Things That Resonate With What Our Lives Are About. I Think People Really Want To Know... Want To Share, Want To Have The Stimulus To Think And Care About The Way They Live Their Lives, The Way They Relate To Other People, Their Aspirations, Their Hopes, Et Cetera.
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