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I Find It Very Difficult To Do Anything On My Own Now Because People Recognize Me. This Has Never Happened To Me Before Because I Haven't Really Done Television Before. But I Suppose If You're In People's Rooms All The Time, I Don't Know - I Was Thinking The Other Night With People Like Dicaprio And, You Know, Those Big Stars And Cate Blanchett, And You Just Think How Did They Exist? It's So Difficult. And I Think Now It's Very Intrusive Because Of These Cellphones, You Know, With Cameras.
-Maggie Smith
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I Find It Very Difficult To Do

I Find It Very Difficult To Do Anything On My Own Now Because People Recognize Me. This Has Never Happened To Me Before Because I Haven't Really Done Television Before. But I Suppose If You're In People's Rooms All The Time, I Don't Know - I Was Thinking The Other Night With People Like Dicaprio And, You Know, Those Big Stars And Cate Blanchett, And You Just Think How Did They Exist? It's So Difficult. And I Think Now It's Very Intrusive Because Of These Cellphones, You Know, With Cameras.
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