From The Great Trees The Locusts Cry In Quavering Ecstatic Duo-a Boy Shouts A Wild Call-a Mourning Dove In The Blue Distance Sobs-the Wind Wanders By, Heavy With Odors Of Corn And Wheat And Melon Vines; The Trees Tremble With Delirious Joy As The Breeze Greets Them, One By One-now The Oak Now The Great Sycamore, Now The Elm.
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From The Great Trees The Locusts Cry
From The Great Trees The Locusts Cry In Quavering Ecstatic Duo-a Boy Shouts A Wild Call-a Mourning Dove In The Blue Distance Sobs-the Wind Wanders By, Heavy With Odors Of Corn And Wheat And Melon Vines; The Trees Tremble With Delirious Joy As The Breeze Greets Them, One By One-now The Oak Now The Great Sycamore, Now The Elm.
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