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With Cold Eyes And Indifferent Mind The Spectators Regard The Work. Connoissers Admire The "skill" (as One Admires A Tightrope Walker), Enjoy The "quality Of Painting" (as One Enjoys A Pasty). But Hungry Souls Go Hungry Away. The Vulgar Herd Stroll Through The Rooms And Pronounce The Pictures "nice" Or "splendid." Those Who Could Speak Have Said Nothing, Those Who Could Hear Have Heard Nothing.
-Wassily Kandinsky
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With Cold Eyes And Indifferent Mind The

With Cold Eyes And Indifferent Mind The Spectators Regard The Work. Connoissers Admire The "skill" (as One Admires A Tightrope Walker), Enjoy The "quality Of Painting" (as One Enjoys A Pasty). But Hungry Souls Go Hungry Away. The Vulgar Herd Stroll Through The Rooms And Pronounce The Pictures "nice" Or "splendid." Those Who Could Speak Have Said Nothing, Those Who Could Hear Have Heard Nothing.
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