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Will Tossed His Apple Core Into The Air, At The Same Time Drawing A Knife From His Belt And Throwing It. The Knife And The Apple Scaled Across The Room Together, Somehow Managing To Stick Into The Wall Just Beside Gabriel's Head, The Knife Driven Cleanly Through The Core And Into The Wood. "say That Again," Said Will. "and I'll Darken Your Daylights For You.
-Cassandra Clare
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Will Tossed His Apple Core Into The

Will Tossed His Apple Core Into The Air, At The Same Time Drawing A Knife From His Belt And Throwing It. The Knife And The Apple Scaled Across The Room Together, Somehow Managing To Stick Into The Wall Just Beside Gabriel's Head, The Knife Driven Cleanly Through The Core And Into The Wood. "say That Again," Said Will. "and I'll Darken Your Daylights For You.
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