We Tell Our Children They're Trapped Like Rats On A Doomed, Bankrupt, Gangster-haunted Planet With Dwindling Resources, With Nothing To Look Forward To But Rising Sea Levels And Imminent Mass Extinctions, Then Raise A Disapproving Eyebrow When, In Response, They Dress In Black, Cut Themselves With Razors, Starve Themselves, Gorge Themselves, Or Kill One Another.
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We Tell Our Children They're Trapped Like
We Tell Our Children They're Trapped Like Rats On A Doomed, Bankrupt, Gangster-haunted Planet With Dwindling Resources, With Nothing To Look Forward To But Rising Sea Levels And Imminent Mass Extinctions, Then Raise A Disapproving Eyebrow When, In Response, They Dress In Black, Cut Themselves With Razors, Starve Themselves, Gorge Themselves, Or Kill One Another.
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