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Um, Bella? You've Got A Huge Cut On Your Forehead, And It's Gushing Blood," He Informed Me. I Clapped My Hand Over My Head. Sure Enough, It Was Wet And Sticky. I Could Smell Nothing But The Damp Moss On My Face, And That Held Off The Nausea. Oh, I'm So Sorry, Jacob." I Pushed Hard Against The Gash, As If I Could Force The Blood Back Inside My Head. Why Are You Apologizing For Bleeding?" He Wondered As He Wrapped A Long Arm Around My Waist And And Pulled Me To My Feet.
-Stephenie Meyer
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Um, Bella? You've Got A Huge Cut

Um, Bella? You've Got A Huge Cut On Your Forehead, And It's Gushing Blood," He Informed Me. I Clapped My Hand Over My Head. Sure Enough, It Was Wet And Sticky. I Could Smell Nothing But The Damp Moss On My Face, And That Held Off The Nausea. Oh, I'm So Sorry, Jacob." I Pushed Hard Against The Gash, As If I Could Force The Blood Back Inside My Head. Why Are You Apologizing For Bleeding?" He Wondered As He Wrapped A Long Arm Around My Waist And And Pulled Me To My Feet.
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