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There's Just A Law To The Universe. We Can Have The San Andreas Rip Tonight. You've Nothing To Do With That. We Could Have Had That Super Hurricane, That, Look What It Did To South Carolina Two Or Three Hundred Miles Offshore! Imagine If A Category 5 Eye Wall Went Right Up The Chesapeake Bay. They Can Say "well, Mankind Did That." No, Mother Nature Decides. So, Will We Survive? I'm Sure We Will.
-Matt Drudge
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There's Just A Law To The Universe.

There's Just A Law To The Universe. We Can Have The San Andreas Rip Tonight. You've Nothing To Do With That. We Could Have Had That Super Hurricane, That, Look What It Did To South Carolina Two Or Three Hundred Miles Offshore! Imagine If A Category 5 Eye Wall Went Right Up The Chesapeake Bay. They Can Say "well, Mankind Did That." No, Mother Nature Decides. So, Will We Survive? I'm Sure We Will.
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