The Thing I Get The Most [in Public] Is, 'hey, Eugene.' You Know What I Mean? There's No Catch Phrase Like: 'what A Week I'm Having.' People Will Actually Just Say, 'hey, Eugene' Or 'hi, Eugene.' It's A Great Thing; They Feel That Comfortable Calling Me By My First Name. It's Not Being Forward. It Depends How You Say It. I Think They Can't Help Themselves. They Think They Know Me. I Find It Gratifying.
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The Thing I Get The Most [in
The Thing I Get The Most [in Public] Is, 'hey, Eugene.' You Know What I Mean? There's No Catch Phrase Like: 'what A Week I'm Having.' People Will Actually Just Say, 'hey, Eugene' Or 'hi, Eugene.' It's A Great Thing; They Feel That Comfortable Calling Me By My First Name. It's Not Being Forward. It Depends How You Say It. I Think They Can't Help Themselves. They Think They Know Me. I Find It Gratifying.
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