The Term "self" Seems A Suitable One For The Unconscious Substrate Whose Actual Exponent In Consciousness Is The Ego. The Ego Stands To The Self As The Moved To The Mover, Or As Object To Subject, Because The Determining Factors That Radiate Outward From The Self Surround The Ego On All Sides And Are Therefore Supraordinate To It. The Self, Like The Unconscious, As An A Priori Existent Out Of Which The Ego Evolves. It Is, So To Speak, An Unconscious Prefiguration Of The Ego. It Is Not I Who Create Myself; Rather, I Happen To Myself.
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The Term "self" Seems A Suitable One
The Term "self" Seems A Suitable One For The Unconscious Substrate Whose Actual Exponent In Consciousness Is The Ego. The Ego Stands To The Self As The Moved To The Mover, Or As Object To Subject, Because The Determining Factors That Radiate Outward From The Self Surround The Ego On All Sides And Are Therefore Supraordinate To It. The Self, Like The Unconscious, As An A Priori Existent Out Of Which The Ego Evolves. It Is, So To Speak, An Unconscious Prefiguration Of The Ego. It Is Not I Who Create Myself; Rather, I Happen To Myself.
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