That's Another Thing That's Depressing: Certain Attitudes In Congress. They Assume That You're Dumb; They Can Take Advantage Of You Being Dumb. I Find That Offensive. It Insults Our Intelligence. They're Playing Us For Dumb And They're Being Dumb In Doing It. But I Believe That's Gonna Change. I Think Those People, The Mcconnells, Are Not Helping Us At All. They're Taking Us Backward In Time.
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That's Another Thing That's Depressing: Certain Attitudes
That's Another Thing That's Depressing: Certain Attitudes In Congress. They Assume That You're Dumb; They Can Take Advantage Of You Being Dumb. I Find That Offensive. It Insults Our Intelligence. They're Playing Us For Dumb And They're Being Dumb In Doing It. But I Believe That's Gonna Change. I Think Those People, The Mcconnells, Are Not Helping Us At All. They're Taking Us Backward In Time.
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