That, In Part, Is Why The Constitution's Framers Gave Justices Life Tenure ? To Enable Them To Rule Wherever The Law And The Constitution Led Them, Without Obligation Or Fear Of Political Reprisal. Former Republican President Gerald Ford Recently Paid Tribute To John Paul Stevens, His Only Appointee To The Supreme Court, Who Is Also Far More Liberal Than Republicans Expected. He Has Served His Nation Well, ... With Dignity, Intellect And Without Partisan Political Concerns.
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That, In Part, Is Why The Constitution's
That, In Part, Is Why The Constitution's Framers Gave Justices Life Tenure ? To Enable Them To Rule Wherever The Law And The Constitution Led Them, Without Obligation Or Fear Of Political Reprisal. Former Republican President Gerald Ford Recently Paid Tribute To John Paul Stevens, His Only Appointee To The Supreme Court, Who Is Also Far More Liberal Than Republicans Expected. He Has Served His Nation Well, ... With Dignity, Intellect And Without Partisan Political Concerns.
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