President Obama, I Think, Wanted What Was Best For The Country, But I Think It Didn't Work Well. I Think We Have The Death Spiral, And I Think Particularly Premiums In The Individual Market Are Going Through The Roof. Republicans Want What's Best For The Country, But I Think They're Not Fixing The Death Spiral Of Obamacare. They're Going To Subsidize It With A Lot Of Taxpayer Money. So, Characterizing Something As Mean Or Generous I Think Goes To People's Motives, And I Think It Is Sort Of Why We Have Such An Angry Country Now. We Think That People Have Ill Motives.
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President Obama, I Think, Wanted What Was
President Obama, I Think, Wanted What Was Best For The Country, But I Think It Didn't Work Well. I Think We Have The Death Spiral, And I Think Particularly Premiums In The Individual Market Are Going Through The Roof. Republicans Want What's Best For The Country, But I Think They're Not Fixing The Death Spiral Of Obamacare. They're Going To Subsidize It With A Lot Of Taxpayer Money. So, Characterizing Something As Mean Or Generous I Think Goes To People's Motives, And I Think It Is Sort Of Why We Have Such An Angry Country Now. We Think That People Have Ill Motives.
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