People Just... Disappear," He Says. "the Earth Just Opens Up And Swallows People," I Say, Some What Sadly, Checking My Rolex. "eerie." Kimball Yawns, Stretching. "really Eerie." "ominous." I Nod My Agreement. "it's Just"- He Sights, Exasperated- "futile.
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People Just... Disappear," He Says. "the Earth
People Just... Disappear," He Says. "the Earth Just Opens Up And Swallows People," I Say, Some What Sadly, Checking My Rolex. "eerie." Kimball Yawns, Stretching. "really Eerie." "ominous." I Nod My Agreement. "it's Just"- He Sights, Exasperated- "futile.
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