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Liberals Create A World That's Not Real. They Create A World Where It's Impossible To Be Obedient. It's Impossible To Go Through The Day Not Violating Some Precious Liberal Tenet. And, As Such, They End Up Getting Rid Of People. So Somebody Like Trump Comes Along And It's Culture Shock, It's All Kinds Of Things. And A Guy Like Trump Would Not Be Permitted In Polite Washington Society.
-Rush Limbaugh
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Liberals Create A World That's Not Real.

Liberals Create A World That's Not Real. They Create A World Where It's Impossible To Be Obedient. It's Impossible To Go Through The Day Not Violating Some Precious Liberal Tenet. And, As Such, They End Up Getting Rid Of People. So Somebody Like Trump Comes Along And It's Culture Shock, It's All Kinds Of Things. And A Guy Like Trump Would Not Be Permitted In Polite Washington Society.
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