Let Every Fart Count As A Peal Of Thunder For Liberty. Let Every Fart Remind The Nation Of How Much It Has Let Pass Out Of Its Control. It Is A Small Gesture, But One That Can Be Very Effective - Especially In A Large Crowd. So Fart, And If You Must, Fart Often. But Always Fart Without Apology. Fart For Freedom, Fart For Liberty - And Fart Proudly.
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Let Every Fart Count As A Peal
Let Every Fart Count As A Peal Of Thunder For Liberty. Let Every Fart Remind The Nation Of How Much It Has Let Pass Out Of Its Control. It Is A Small Gesture, But One That Can Be Very Effective - Especially In A Large Crowd. So Fart, And If You Must, Fart Often. But Always Fart Without Apology. Fart For Freedom, Fart For Liberty - And Fart Proudly.
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