Leah: "that Is Easily The Freakin’ Grossest Thing I’ve Ever Heard In My Life. Yuck. If There Was Anything In My Stomach, It Would Be Coming Back." Seth: "they Are Vampires, I Guess. I Mean, It Makes Sense, And If It Helps Bella, It’s A Good Thing, Right?" Leah And Jake Stare At Seth. Seth: "what?" Leah: "mom Dropped Him A Lot When He Was A Baby." Jake: "on His Head Apparently." Leah: "he Used To Gnaw On The Crib Bars, Too." Jake: "lead Paint?" Leah: "looks Like It." Seth: "funny. Why Don’t You Two Shut Up And Sleep?
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Leah: "that Is Easily The Freakin’ Grossest
Leah: "that Is Easily The Freakin’ Grossest Thing I’ve Ever Heard In My Life. Yuck. If There Was Anything In My Stomach, It Would Be Coming Back." Seth: "they Are Vampires, I Guess. I Mean, It Makes Sense, And If It Helps Bella, It’s A Good Thing, Right?" Leah And Jake Stare At Seth. Seth: "what?" Leah: "mom Dropped Him A Lot When He Was A Baby." Jake: "on His Head Apparently." Leah: "he Used To Gnaw On The Crib Bars, Too." Jake: "lead Paint?" Leah: "looks Like It." Seth: "funny. Why Don’t You Two Shut Up And Sleep?
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