In This Acausal World, Scientists Are Helpless. Their Predictions Become Postdictions- Their Equations Become Justifications, Their Logic, Illogic. Scientists Turn Reckless And Mutter Like Gamblers Who Cannot Stop Betting. Scientists Are Buffoons, Not Because They Are Rational But Because The Cosmos Is Irrational. Or Perhaps It Is Not Because The Cosmos Is Irrational But Because They Are Rational. Who Can Say Which, In An Acausal World?
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In This Acausal World, Scientists Are Helpless.
In This Acausal World, Scientists Are Helpless. Their Predictions Become Postdictions- Their Equations Become Justifications, Their Logic, Illogic. Scientists Turn Reckless And Mutter Like Gamblers Who Cannot Stop Betting. Scientists Are Buffoons, Not Because They Are Rational But Because The Cosmos Is Irrational. Or Perhaps It Is Not Because The Cosmos Is Irrational But Because They Are Rational. Who Can Say Which, In An Acausal World?
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