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I'm Thinking, That's Barack Obama. He Doesn't Go To Work. He Doesn't Go Down To Congress And Make A Deal. What The Hell's He Doing Sitting In The White House? If I Were In That Job, I'd Get Down There And Make A Deal. Sure, Congress Are Lazy Bastards, But So What? You're The Top Guy. You're The President Of The Company. It's Your Responsibility To Make Sure Everybody Does Well. It's The Same With Every Company In This Country, Whether It's A Two-man Company Or A Two-hundred-man Company... . And That's The Pussy Generation - Nobody Wants To Work.
-Clint Eastwood
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I'm Thinking, That's Barack Obama. He Doesn't

I'm Thinking, That's Barack Obama. He Doesn't Go To Work. He Doesn't Go Down To Congress And Make A Deal. What The Hell's He Doing Sitting In The White House? If I Were In That Job, I'd Get Down There And Make A Deal. Sure, Congress Are Lazy Bastards, But So What? You're The Top Guy. You're The President Of The Company. It's Your Responsibility To Make Sure Everybody Does Well. It's The Same With Every Company In This Country, Whether It's A Two-man Company Or A Two-hundred-man Company... . And That's The Pussy Generation - Nobody Wants To Work.
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