I'd Write Of People And Places Like I Knew, And I'd Make My Characters Talk Everyday English; And I'd Let The Sun Rise And Set In The Usual Quiet Way Without Much Fuss Over The Fact. If I Had To Have Villains At All, I'd Give Them A Chance, Anne--i'd Give Them A Chance. There Are Some Terrible Bad Men The World, I Suppose, But You'd Have To Go A Long Piece To Find Them...but Most Of Us Have Got A Little Decency Somewhere In Us. Keep On Writing, Anne.
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I'd Write Of People And Places Like
I'd Write Of People And Places Like I Knew, And I'd Make My Characters Talk Everyday English; And I'd Let The Sun Rise And Set In The Usual Quiet Way Without Much Fuss Over The Fact. If I Had To Have Villains At All, I'd Give Them A Chance, Anne--i'd Give Them A Chance. There Are Some Terrible Bad Men The World, I Suppose, But You'd Have To Go A Long Piece To Find Them...but Most Of Us Have Got A Little Decency Somewhere In Us. Keep On Writing, Anne.
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