I Want To Do It Too!" (sitting Motionless) Nudge: "nope, You Stand Out Like A Fart In A Church." Max: (muttering) "appropriately Enough." Iggy: "what About Me?" (stands Still) Max: "no, You're Visible." Iggy: "am Not!" Max: (throws A Pinecone At Him) "could I Do That If I Wouldn't See You?
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I Want To Do It Too!" (sitting
I Want To Do It Too!" (sitting Motionless) Nudge: "nope, You Stand Out Like A Fart In A Church." Max: (muttering) "appropriately Enough." Iggy: "what About Me?" (stands Still) Max: "no, You're Visible." Iggy: "am Not!" Max: (throws A Pinecone At Him) "could I Do That If I Wouldn't See You?
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