I Think Because I Do Model For Brands But It's Never Without Input, Ever. With Ag I Front Their Campaign, And Obviously Designed The Collection For Them. I Did The Same Back In The Day With Madewell. Even With Longchamp, There's A Certain Amount Of Collaboration On Deciding On Photographers And Stuff Like That. It's Something That I'm Accustomed To Doing Behind The Scenes.
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I Think Because I Do Model For
I Think Because I Do Model For Brands But It's Never Without Input, Ever. With Ag I Front Their Campaign, And Obviously Designed The Collection For Them. I Did The Same Back In The Day With Madewell. Even With Longchamp, There's A Certain Amount Of Collaboration On Deciding On Photographers And Stuff Like That. It's Something That I'm Accustomed To Doing Behind The Scenes.
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