I Sense The World Might Be More Dreamlike, Metaphorical, And Poetic Than We Currently Believe--but Just As Irrational As Sympathetic Magic When Looked At In A Typically Scientific Way. I Wouldn't Be Surprised If Poetry--poetry In The Broadest Sense, In The Sense Of A World Filled With Metaphor, Rhyme, And Recurring Patterns, Shapes, And Designs--is How The World Works. The World Isn't Logical, It's A Song.
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I Sense The World Might Be More
I Sense The World Might Be More Dreamlike, Metaphorical, And Poetic Than We Currently Believe--but Just As Irrational As Sympathetic Magic When Looked At In A Typically Scientific Way. I Wouldn't Be Surprised If Poetry--poetry In The Broadest Sense, In The Sense Of A World Filled With Metaphor, Rhyme, And Recurring Patterns, Shapes, And Designs--is How The World Works. The World Isn't Logical, It's A Song.
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