I Might Find That I Have A Habit Of Being Jealous And Comparing Myself With Other People And Riveting My Attention On How Much Somebody Else Is Accomplishing Or Doing, Or How Much Better They Are At Such And Such. First, I Might Recognize The Story - The Mental Images And Internal Dialogue - And Say, "okay, Comparing Mind." Then, Rather Than Staying Caught In The Content, I'll Bring My Attention Into My Body And Open To The Immediate Feelings That Are There.
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I Might Find That I Have A
I Might Find That I Have A Habit Of Being Jealous And Comparing Myself With Other People And Riveting My Attention On How Much Somebody Else Is Accomplishing Or Doing, Or How Much Better They Are At Such And Such. First, I Might Recognize The Story - The Mental Images And Internal Dialogue - And Say, "okay, Comparing Mind." Then, Rather Than Staying Caught In The Content, I'll Bring My Attention Into My Body And Open To The Immediate Feelings That Are There.
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