I Find It Particularly Shocking That People Work All Week Long, And Then On The Weekend They Give Their Money To Another Big Corporation. I Remember Reading An Interview With Walt Disney, And He Said How He Got The Idea To Create Disney World. He Saw His Grandson Playing In The Sand In A Little Park, And He Assumed He Was Bored. And He Said He Could Provide Him A Better Alternative. But What You Get Is A Little Bit Of Entertainment, And Then Basically They Try To Get Your Money. And I Truly Believe His Grandson Was Having A Great Time When He Was Playing With The Sand.
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I Find It Particularly Shocking That People
I Find It Particularly Shocking That People Work All Week Long, And Then On The Weekend They Give Their Money To Another Big Corporation. I Remember Reading An Interview With Walt Disney, And He Said How He Got The Idea To Create Disney World. He Saw His Grandson Playing In The Sand In A Little Park, And He Assumed He Was Bored. And He Said He Could Provide Him A Better Alternative. But What You Get Is A Little Bit Of Entertainment, And Then Basically They Try To Get Your Money. And I Truly Believe His Grandson Was Having A Great Time When He Was Playing With The Sand.
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