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I Feel Like You Have To Earn Something With An Audience. If I Just Did It Now, I Think Producers On Any Superhero Movie, I Think They Wouldn't Trust Me To Do It The Way I'd Want To Do It, Because I'd Want To Do Something Basically Really Strange. I Think You Have To Earn That Freedom To Do Stuff Like That. So I Think, If I Keep Kind Of Chipping Away, Trying To Do Good Movies And Interesting, Strange Movies Then People Will Eventually Trust You To Do That On A Bigger Scale.
-Robert Pattinson
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I Feel Like You Have To Earn

I Feel Like You Have To Earn Something With An Audience. If I Just Did It Now, I Think Producers On Any Superhero Movie, I Think They Wouldn't Trust Me To Do It The Way I'd Want To Do It, Because I'd Want To Do Something Basically Really Strange. I Think You Have To Earn That Freedom To Do Stuff Like That. So I Think, If I Keep Kind Of Chipping Away, Trying To Do Good Movies And Interesting, Strange Movies Then People Will Eventually Trust You To Do That On A Bigger Scale.
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