I Don't Like Medicine. There's An Old Irish Proverb That Goes, "if I Knew Where I Was Going To Die, I Wouldn't Go There." I Suspect That I'm Going To Die In A Hospital, So Every Time I Go Past One, I Drive Really Quickly To Get Away From Those Things. So I Spend A Lot Of Money On Health: Gyms, I Go To Naturopaths, Acupuncturists; Anybody Else Who's Almost The Alternative To Medicine. I Think By The Time You Need Medicine, It's Too Late. That's My Belief.
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I Don't Like Medicine. There's An Old
I Don't Like Medicine. There's An Old Irish Proverb That Goes, "if I Knew Where I Was Going To Die, I Wouldn't Go There." I Suspect That I'm Going To Die In A Hospital, So Every Time I Go Past One, I Drive Really Quickly To Get Away From Those Things. So I Spend A Lot Of Money On Health: Gyms, I Go To Naturopaths, Acupuncturists; Anybody Else Who's Almost The Alternative To Medicine. I Think By The Time You Need Medicine, It's Too Late. That's My Belief.
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