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I Do Think I Go Out Of My Way To Be A Very Normal Person And I Just Find It Frustrating That People Think That I'm Some Kind Of Weirdo Reclusive That Never Comes Out Into The World. Y'know, I'm A Very Strong Person And I Think That's Why Actually I Find It Really Infuriating When I Read, 'she Had A Nervous Breakdown' Or 'she's Not Very Mentally Stable, Just A Weak, Frail Little Creature'.
-Kate Bush
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I Do Think I Go Out Of

I Do Think I Go Out Of My Way To Be A Very Normal Person And I Just Find It Frustrating That People Think That I'm Some Kind Of Weirdo Reclusive That Never Comes Out Into The World. Y'know, I'm A Very Strong Person And I Think That's Why Actually I Find It Really Infuriating When I Read, 'she Had A Nervous Breakdown' Or 'she's Not Very Mentally Stable, Just A Weak, Frail Little Creature'.
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