He's [constable] A Great Painter As Far As It Goes, But I Don't Think He's Remotely Interesting. Not Really. It's Very Pretty And It's Very Thorough, But It's Not Evocative, It's Not Dramatic, It Doesn't Do What Beethoven Does - It Doesn't Shake You Down To The Roots Of Your Soul, Which Turner Does. Constable Is Just Very Nice, Basically. And Moving On To Personality, Constable Was A Very Dull Character.
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He's [constable] A Great Painter As Far
He's [constable] A Great Painter As Far As It Goes, But I Don't Think He's Remotely Interesting. Not Really. It's Very Pretty And It's Very Thorough, But It's Not Evocative, It's Not Dramatic, It Doesn't Do What Beethoven Does - It Doesn't Shake You Down To The Roots Of Your Soul, Which Turner Does. Constable Is Just Very Nice, Basically. And Moving On To Personality, Constable Was A Very Dull Character.
Views: 4