Getting Ahead In A Difficult Profession - Singing, Acting, Writing, Whatever Requires Avid Faith In Yourself. You Must Be Able To Sustain Yourself Against Staggering Blows And Unfair Reversals. When I Think Back To Those First Couple Of Years In Rome, Those Endless Rejections, Without A Glimmer Of Encouragement From Anyone, All Those Failed Screen Tests, And Yet I Never Let My Desire Slide Away From Me, My Belief In Myself And What I Felt I Could Achieve.
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Getting Ahead In A Difficult Profession -
Getting Ahead In A Difficult Profession - Singing, Acting, Writing, Whatever Requires Avid Faith In Yourself. You Must Be Able To Sustain Yourself Against Staggering Blows And Unfair Reversals. When I Think Back To Those First Couple Of Years In Rome, Those Endless Rejections, Without A Glimmer Of Encouragement From Anyone, All Those Failed Screen Tests, And Yet I Never Let My Desire Slide Away From Me, My Belief In Myself And What I Felt I Could Achieve.
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