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People Take It For Granted That The Physical World Is Both Ordered And Intelligible. The Underlying Order In Nature - The Laws Of Physics - Are Simply Accepted As Given, As Brute Facts. Nobody Asks Where They Came From; At Least Not In Polite Company. However, Even The Most Atheistic Scientist Accepts As An Act Of Faith That The Universe Is Not Absurd, That There Is A Rational Basis To Physical Existence Manifested As Law-like Order In Nature That Is At Least Partly Comprehensible To Us. So Science Can Proceed Only If The Scientist Adopts An Essentially Theological Worldview.
-Paul Davies
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People Take It For Granted That The

People Take It For Granted That The Physical World Is Both Ordered And Intelligible. The Underlying Order In Nature - The Laws Of Physics - Are Simply Accepted As Given, As Brute Facts. Nobody Asks Where They Came From; At Least Not In Polite Company. However, Even The Most Atheistic Scientist Accepts As An Act Of Faith That The Universe Is Not Absurd, That There Is A Rational Basis To Physical Existence Manifested As Law-like Order In Nature That Is At Least Partly Comprehensible To Us. So Science Can Proceed Only If The Scientist Adopts An Essentially Theological Worldview.
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