Eloiseis Getting Married As Well.” “eloise?” Michael Asked With Some Surprise. “was She Even Being Courted By Anyone?” “no,” Francesca Said, Quickly Flipping To The Third Sheet Of Her Mother‟s Letter. “it‟s Someone She‟s Never Met.” “well, I Imagine She‟s Met Him Now,” Michael Said In A Dry Voice.
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Eloiseis Getting Married As Well.” “eloise?” Michael
Eloiseis Getting Married As Well.” “eloise?” Michael Asked With Some Surprise. “was She Even Being Courted By Anyone?” “no,” Francesca Said, Quickly Flipping To The Third Sheet Of Her Mother‟s Letter. “it‟s Someone She‟s Never Met.” “well, I Imagine She‟s Met Him Now,” Michael Said In A Dry Voice.
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