Demean Thyself More Warily In Thy Study Than In The Street. If Thy Public Actions Have A Hundred Witnesses, Thy Private Have A Thousand. The Multitude Looks But Upon Thy Actions; Thy Conscience Looks Into Them: The Multitude May Chance To Excuse Thee, If Not Acquit Thee; Thy Conscience Will Accuse Thee, If Not Condemn Thee.
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Demean Thyself More Warily In Thy Study
Demean Thyself More Warily In Thy Study Than In The Street. If Thy Public Actions Have A Hundred Witnesses, Thy Private Have A Thousand. The Multitude Looks But Upon Thy Actions; Thy Conscience Looks Into Them: The Multitude May Chance To Excuse Thee, If Not Acquit Thee; Thy Conscience Will Accuse Thee, If Not Condemn Thee.
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