Deliberate Long Before Thou Consecrate A Friend, And When Thy Impartial Justice Concludes Him Worthy Of Thy Bosom, Receive Him Joyfully, And Entertain Him Wisely; Impart Thy Secrets Boldly, And Mingle Thy Thoughts With His: He Is Thy Very Self; And Use Him So; If Thou Firmly Think Him Faithful, Thou Makest Him So.
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Deliberate Long Before Thou Consecrate A Friend,
Deliberate Long Before Thou Consecrate A Friend, And When Thy Impartial Justice Concludes Him Worthy Of Thy Bosom, Receive Him Joyfully, And Entertain Him Wisely; Impart Thy Secrets Boldly, And Mingle Thy Thoughts With His: He Is Thy Very Self; And Use Him So; If Thou Firmly Think Him Faithful, Thou Makest Him So.
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