Behold The Drojim Palace," King Urgit Said Extravagantly To Sadi, "the Hereditary Home Of The House Of Urga." "a Most Unusual Structure, You Majesty," Sadi Murmured. "that's A Diplomatic Way To Put It." Urgit Looked Critically At His Palace. "it's Gaudy, Ugly, And In Terribly Bad Taste. It Does, However, Suit My Personality Almost Perfectly.
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Behold The Drojim Palace," King Urgit Said
Behold The Drojim Palace," King Urgit Said Extravagantly To Sadi, "the Hereditary Home Of The House Of Urga." "a Most Unusual Structure, You Majesty," Sadi Murmured. "that's A Diplomatic Way To Put It." Urgit Looked Critically At His Palace. "it's Gaudy, Ugly, And In Terribly Bad Taste. It Does, However, Suit My Personality Almost Perfectly.
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