Aye, Well, He'll Be Wed A Long Time," He Said Callously. "do Him No Harm To Keep His Breeches On For One Night. And They Do Say That Abstinence Makes The Heart Grow Firmer, No?" "absence," I Said, Dodging The Spoon For A Moment. "and Fonder. If Anything's Growing Firmer From Abstinence, It Wouldn't Be His Heart.
Please Wait....
Aye, Well, He'll Be Wed A Long
Aye, Well, He'll Be Wed A Long Time," He Said Callously. "do Him No Harm To Keep His Breeches On For One Night. And They Do Say That Abstinence Makes The Heart Grow Firmer, No?" "absence," I Said, Dodging The Spoon For A Moment. "and Fonder. If Anything's Growing Firmer From Abstinence, It Wouldn't Be His Heart.
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