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Angels Are God's Messengers Whose Chief Business Is To Carry Out His Orders In The World. He Has Given Them An Ambassadorial Charge. He Has Designated And Empowered Them As Holy Deputies To Perform Works Of Righteousness. In This Way They Assist Him As Their Creator While He Sovereignly Controls The Universe. So He Has Given Them The Capacity To Bring Holy Enterprises To A Successful Conclusion.
-Billy Graham
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Angels Are God's Messengers Whose Chief Business

Angels Are God's Messengers Whose Chief Business Is To Carry Out His Orders In The World. He Has Given Them An Ambassadorial Charge. He Has Designated And Empowered Them As Holy Deputies To Perform Works Of Righteousness. In This Way They Assist Him As Their Creator While He Sovereignly Controls The Universe. So He Has Given Them The Capacity To Bring Holy Enterprises To A Successful Conclusion.
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